Friday, January 20, 2006

20 Jan - New manga updates!

Have yet to visit us? Do so soon, before our promotion for additional pre-paid value and free membership end!

Also, a gentle remind to all that we will be closed for Chinese New Year from 28 Jan to 30 Jan. For all who celebrate the occasion, Happy Chinese New Year! ^_^

New manga for rental this week:

  • 死亡筆記 Death Note #8, 9
  • 名偵探福爾摩斯夫人 #1

New manga for sale:
  • 銀色鑽石 Silver Diamond #7

If you are interested to purchase / pre-order any manga titles from us, you can contact us at 63391193 or email to for further details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, would like to ask when will the free membership promotion end?

crossing my fingers that it'll not end so soon, coz my friens and i will only be free the wkend after CNY

11:58 PM  
Blogger Nandemoya's Comics Shop said...


The last day for the extra prepaid card value promotion is this coming Sunday, 5 Feb 2006. Our free membership promotion is still ongoing. Hope to see you soon!

3:38 PM  

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