Saturday, May 06, 2006

6 May - New Manga!

New manga for rental this week:
  • 極樂青春曲棍球社 #3
  • 聖石小子普魯的奇妙日記 #1
  • 老師的挑戰 #1
  • 手機小精靈 (全)
  • 仙人掌的秘密 #1 – 2
  • 華麗的挑戰 #12
  • 赤裸的果實 #1 – 3
  • 聖龍小公主夢幻奇蹟 #5
  • 綱之練金術師 #13
  • 相愛太早 [BL]
  • 饒舌的試衣間 #1 [BL]
  • 令人心動的學生會 #1 – 2 [BL]
  • 男校戀愛遊戲 #1 – 2 [BL]
Chuang Yi Titles:

If you are interested to purchase / pre-order any manga titles from us, you can contact us at 63391193 or email to for further details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I came to this page thru the animehouse yahoogroups thing. Just wanna ask, the BL titles that u have listed. Are they in Japanese or chinese translated?

6:49 PM  
Blogger Nandemoya's Comics Shop said...


All titles we carry are Chinese translated, either from Taiwan publishers or local publisher Chuangyi.


11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh. Local Chuangyi actually has BL titles??? lol. Thanx alot for the info. (^_^) I'll go checkout the store soon. XD

7:05 PM  
Blogger Nandemoya's Comics Shop said...

oh no.. Local Chuangyi doesnt have BL titles. Most BL titles are from Taiwan publishers. ^^

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:53 AM  

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