Wednesday, January 25, 2006

25 Jan - Closing for Chinese New Year

Just a gentle reminder to all that we are closing for Chinese New Year from 28 Jan to 30 Jan.

We will also be closed on 31 Jan for our management meeting.

Business will resume as usual on 1 Feb, Wednesday. ^_^

From AZ Comics, we wish all Chinese friends a Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai! And all those who do not celebrate this occasion, have a good holiday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are all your comics in chinese? do you have any with japanese in it? im japanese so i cant read chinese.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Nandemoya's Comics Shop said...


our comics are currently all in Chinese, however there are English versions available for rent from our main shop at Ginza Plaza (West Coast). If you would like to purchase, we can help you to purchase Japanese versions of the books.

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so there are no japanese language ones for rent? if for purchase, how much per comic?

4:09 PM  
Blogger Nandemoya's Comics Shop said...


yes, currently we do not have any Japanese language comics for rent. If you would like to purchase, prices varies depending on titles. Please give us the titles you would like to purchase, we will check the books out for you. =)

6:10 PM  

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