Thursday, February 02, 2006

2 Feb - New Manga Updates!

Our promotion for additional pre-paid value ends on 5 Feb 2006! Our free membership promotion is still ongoing. Members can purchase imported manga at discounted rates. Hurry and take advantage of these great offers before the promotions end!

In addition, we are also taking in pre-owned goods from external parties who wish to sell them at our shop. You set the price. We will take a commission of 20% only when the sale is made.

We are always on the lookout for organisations to work with on a long-term basis for co-promotional actvities. Feel free send us a proposal or contact us should you have anything in mind!

New manga for rental this week:

* KAMUI #7
* 魔女的口信 #1
* 羽翼天使 #9
* 奇幻少女#1-2
* 豆豆! the wonderful adventure #1-2
* 鬼眼狂刀 Kyo #35
* 頭文字D #32
* 閃靈2人組 GetBackers #33
* BLEACH 死神 #20
* 東京變裝秀 #1-2
* 妹妹戀人 #10
* 抓鬼天狗幫 TACTICS #7
* 變裝遊戲 Costume Play*Animal #1-2
* 舞出美麗人生 -Beautiful- #1-2
* 飛輪少年 AIR GEAR #12

New manga for sale:

* 頭文字D #32
* BLEACH 死神 #20
* 野獸的溫柔 #2

If you are interested to purchase / pre-order any manga titles from us, you can contact us at 63391193 or email to for further details.


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