Sunday, February 12, 2006

12 Feb - New manga updates! (edited on 15 Feb)

Happy Valentines' Day!

There's a new range of 2nd hand merchandise available at our shop now! From can badges, notebooks to old magazines, you might find something that you like and can't find anywhere else. Drop by soon to check things out! =)

Back issues of MAGE is also available at our shop.

From March onwards, all AZComics @ Sunshine Plaza members will enjoy birthday promotions! During member's birth month, the member can enjoy free rental for one book per 5 books rented in the month. Members can also read for free during their birthday!

New manga for rental this week:

  • 網球王子 #31
  • 王牌至尊 #27
  • 魔法少年賈修 (魔童小子) #21
  • 蜜糖公主 #1
  • 獵魔師養成班 #1
  • 千年傳說 #1
  • 野獸的溫柔 #1-2
  • 歌劇魅影 (全)
  • 期待你的愛 (全)
  • 企鵝革命 #1-2
  • ZET-MAN #1-4
  • V.B.R絲絨藍玫瑰 #1-2
  • 魔帝 #18
  • 結界師 #10
  • MAR #12
  • 舞 Hime #5 (完)
  • 新暗行御史 #12
  • 貓街 Cat Street #2
  • 電車男 #2, 3 (完)
  • 疾風守護者 #1, 2
  • 琉球武士瘋雲錄 Samurai Champloo#1
  • 魔法律事務所 #1
  • 吸血鬼騎士 #1

New manga for sale:
  • 蜜糖公主 #1

Chuangyi Chinese

  • 魔帝 #17, 18
  • 推理之絆 Spiral #8
  • 電車男 #2, 3
  • 遊戲王 R #2
  • 舞 Hime #5 (完)
  • MAR #12
  • 海賊王 One Piece #40
  • 戀愛新鮮人 Open Sesame #13

If you are interested to purchase / pre-order any manga titles from us, you can contact us at 63391193 or email to for further details.


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